WH Stayers' Million

The Weatherbys Hamilton
Stayers' Million

The WH Stayers' Million was an annual prize of £1million created by Weatherbys Hamilton to celebrate, support and promote the staying horse - an animal that has defined the European thoroughbred for the last three hundred years.

Won in both 2018 and 2019 by the magnificent Stradivarius, the prize was awarded to the connections of a horse that could win one of eight recognised prep races in the spring and then go on to win the Gold Cup at Royal Ascot in June, the Qatar Goodwood Cup at the Qatar Goodwood Festival in July and then the Weatherbys Hamilton Lonsdale Cup at York's Ebor Festival in August.

On his way to scooping the £1 Million prize in 2018, Bjorn Nielsen's son of Sea The Stars achieved something remarkable and shone the brightest of lights on the merits of the Stayers with his courage, durability and will to win. In 2019 Stradivarius went on to prove himself as one of the really great Stayers of any era, winning the same sequence of four races on his way to scooping his second Million.

From the outset, our key objective was to celebrate, support and promote the staying horse - an animal that has defined the European thoroughbred for the last three hundred years. In 2018 and 2019 it resoundingly achieved all those objectives and captured the public attention in just the way that we hoped.